Make it meaningful

This first session dives into The Why of your wedding. A wedding is not simply to get married. If that was the only goal you could pop down to the courthouse and have it done in an hour without much fanfare or expense. A wedding is something else entirely; part ceremony, part celebration, a wedding is a distinct moment in time marking an important life transition between two phases of your lives and the people present play an important role in what’s transpiring. So let’s dig into the driving purpose behind why you want to have a wedding at this time, in this place, with these people.

Here is the link to download the worksheets you will need at the end of Session 01. Print them up and have them handy if you like, or if you don’t have a printer you can write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.




First of all, set the mood. Light some candles, pour some drinks, find a cozy and comfortable spot to connect where you won’t be interrupted. While this experience is online, it’s designed to be an analog experience for a digital world. It should be fun, relaxed, and an opportunity to get real about this whole wedding business.

Now that you’ve set the mood, here is a simple ritual to bring your presence to the here and now. It’s called the Noticing Game created by Authentic Revolution.

While making eye contact, one person begins by saying, “Sitting here with you, I notice…” You can share any observations, thoughts, sensations, or feelings you’re noticing in this moment. The second person responds, “Hearing that, I notice…” Go back and forth: “Hearing that, I notice… Hearing that, I notice…” for 2­ minutes.

Bring your full selves. Leave behind any expectations. Dive in.

Audio Lessons




I’ve created a playlist to have on in the background as you go through the following steps, but as an alternative feel free to listen to your own music. Something sexy and relaxing will add texture and ease to your conversation.

Conversation Questions


Below is a series of six questions to spark some intimate conversations about what your wedding means to you. Take them one at a time, and spend some time discussing each question before moving on to the next one. You might want to have a pen and paper handy to write down anything that comes to you that you might want to reference later while working on the worksheets, or if you have any ideas you don’t want to forget.



Now that you’ve taken some time to connect over the deeper purpose behind your wedding, your answers will guide you in filling out the worksheets getting at the heart of your wedding purpose. If you haven’t already downloaded them, you can access them below.

You’ve completed Session 01!